Student Success Services (SSS) focuses on the academic success of every student at St. Ignatius in conjunction with classroom teachers, resource professionals, parents and the school administration.
The goal is that each individual child reaches his or her full potential within our Catholic academic setting.
St. Ignatius has five dedicated Student Success Services professionals for K-8 students:
2 Reading Specialists for K-2
1 Resource Specialist for 3 -5
1 Resource Specialists for 6-8
Staff Psychometrist
Student Testing Lab
We have a dedicated classroom space and special education teacher to administer all student testing accommodations. The Testing Lab provides a more in depth student success partnership between parent, teacher, resource professional and student.
A dedicated testing lab ensures all resource specialists have ample time to focus on content vs. proctoring.
St. Ignatius offers on-site psychometric testing and testing interpretation to better cultivate a custom success plan strategy for any Impala student in need.
Staff psychometrist, Karen Shirah, has her Master's certification in Educational Psychometry from The University of Alabama at Birmingham. She administers and interprets student testing reports used to identify learning disabilities and makes informed recommendations for intervention.Parents who do not wish to enroll their child in the full Student Success Services program can still choose to enroll in extended time testing with a documented testing report on file.
St. Ignatius has a dedicated professional and a dedicated space on campus for all students enrolled in extended time testing to ensure a quiet and conducive testing environment.
The monthly fee is $50.