The St. Ignatius Dad’s Club is a very involved group on campus open to all current Impala Dads and anyone in the Impala community looking for a place to volunteer and get involved. Dad’s Club meets once a month to coordinate volunteer efforts for events on campus and to plan their specific fundraisers.
Main events include a summer swim night at Springhill Swim Club, back to school family cook out, Fall tailgate at McGill-Toolen’s stadium for a home football game, Lenten fish fries, two big fundraisers and various other projects around campus.
Dad’s Club does two fundraisers a year: Holy Trinity Gumbo Cook Off and the St. Ignatius Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the Dad’s Club are used for campus improvement projects and other various campus enrichment.
Each member of Dad’s Club gets some exciting St. Ignatius swag gear each year of enrollment.
We would love to have you join the community!